Hi everyone
I managed to use both "justified" and "centred" text within the framework of one posting using the following piece of Html code placed before each piece of text or heading which I wanted to manipulate (you will need to remove the colon I placed above each bracket ('<','>') which I needed to put in to be able to publish this post without the code being activated):
'<'div align="center"'>' '<'div align="center"'>''<'/div'>'
I managed to use both "justified" and "centred" text within the framework of one posting using the following piece of Html code placed before each piece of text or heading which I wanted to manipulate (you will need to remove the colon I placed above each bracket ('<','>') which I needed to put in to be able to publish this post without the code being activated):
'<'div align="center"'>' '<'div align="center"'>''<'/div'>'
For "justified" text just change the word "center" with "justify."
I hope this is useful to all ye bloggers!
David Vaughan
Senior aquarist, Quarantine
Two Oceans Aquarium
Cape Town, South Africa
+27 21 418 38 23